In the normal chaos of life, and in the past week, we have had such fun things happening! Let's see, it started when Jenna woke up with pink eye last Monday. This was the second time in less than two months. Fun fun fun! It means constant washing hands, daily bedsheet changing, separate laundry washing, etc. Thank goodness, no one else in the family contracted it, either time.
Jenna is now walking like a crazy kid. She is even learning how to stand up without holding onto anything. Her favorite pastime it to pull all the DVDs off the TV stand. Mackenzie has determined that it is great fun to help, so we find piles of DVDs, several times a day, all over the floor.
Mackenzie, for that matter, is starting to enter her terrible twos. We must have had some sort of delusion when we thought she was too sweet for that. But, we were wrong. Within the last two weeks, she has had at least three timeouts. The first, for a karate chop on Jenna's head. I can't remember the second, and the third for biting me on the back of my leg. (Could that have been avoided if I had listened to her from behind, as she said repeatedly, "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy! Mommy!!) At least Mackenzie sleeps through the night. There's always something positive to find in the midst of the day, right?
Mason has been claiming to have dreams of dogs and giants that scare her. So, she had relocated her bed to the floor of her bedroom. This went on for about a week. Last night, she moved back into her own bed...finally. Or so we thought. When Jenna cried out at 2 AM, I discovered Mason in the middle of our bed. She didn't wake Alan nor me. It seems, after her monster unexpected nap yesterday, she wasn't tired after getting in and out of bed from about 9:30 PM until past 11 PM. Alan and I were exhausted, so we went to bed anyhow. Mason was back in her bed when we retired. Ahhh...what would one night of restful sleep be like?
On Saturday evening, we had our Passover Seder here at our house. We invited our neighbors, Chuck and Mary, from across the street, and our cousin Erica, who lives a couple miles away. It was a fun event for all, and it was truly like a Thanksgiving feast, with all the food. Unfortunately, we forgot to take ANY pictures to commemorate the event.
Mason is at school, Alan is at work, and my two other charges are probably getting into trouble. I must be off until next time. Enjoy the rare pic of Alan and me, as taken by Mason, where we both look halfway decent. :-)