Hanukkah arrived, and for the first year, all of the girls were interested in lighting
the candles and singing the peppy little Hanukkah song that has become our song of choice for the holiday. Of course, a visit from Santa was what really got to the girls. They were all excited about him coming, but Mackenzie was petrified that he might actually come INTO the house. You see, Mackenzie saw Santa one night, visiting a neighborhood home that was lavishly decorated. He invited her to sit with him and she freaked. She didn't want to be anywhere nea
r him. He is a scary guy to a two-year old! Jenna wasn't too thrilled either, but we did manage to get her in his lap, although she was whining and reaching for daddy the whole time. Mason did not see Santa, because she went to a nativity slide thing (whatever that means) with some friends.
When push came to shove, the Christmas tree was small, not much bigger than the menorah, but the girls were happily rewarded with presents from Santa. Jenna was a pro at unwrapping. Mackenzie still asked for help. Their personalities are definitely blossoming.
On New Year's Eve, we went to a friend's house for a small party. There were seven children and ten adults. Not bad numbers. The girls tried their hardest to stay awake, just for the fun of staying awake (since they didn't really understand New Year's Eve). We ended up leaving before midnight, after the younger two passed out between 10:30 and 11 PM. What troopers! Mason was in bed and asleep by 11:45 PM. Just missed it! The two of us finished folding laundry at 11:55 PM, chatted, looked at the clock, smooched, and said "time for bed!" We feel so old some days!
Finally, after a long winter break and lots of sleeping in, we had to resume our daily routine. The older two went back to school, Alan went back to work, and Deb and Jenna went back to running errands and dropping everyone off/picking them up each day. Amazing where the time goes.
Anyhow, enjoy all the pics until next time!