Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tooth #6

Okay, so it's been a year since I blogged.  I need to try to do this much more often.  There is so much going on in our lives that it would certainly be worth sharing tidbits!

Anyhow, today's post will be a recap only.  Mason and Mackenzie are out of school, while Jenna and Sierra are in their last week of preschool.  After taking M&M on some errands, we came home and decided to play a game together.  They picked the new Angry Birds card game we received from a friend.  We successfully played the game a first time.  They asked to play again.  While I was looking down, shuffling the cards, they were wrestling over a piece of the game.  Next thing I knew, Mackenzie was standing there screaming hysterically.  There was blood in her mouth and on her hands.  Mason was very subdued on the floor.  All I can say, based on what they told me, is that Mackenzie might have leaned forward as Mason's thumb or other finger tried to push her away, and somehow pushed the front left tooth (which was loose, btw).  Mackenzie thinks she swallowed it.  We couldn't find it anywhere.  We looked.  She was so scared.  I told her not to worry.  It would come back out in her poop.  That shifted her sobs to giggles.  Thank goodness!  Hours later, no tooth has been found, but a nice letter was written to the tooth fairy, in hopes that the tooth fairy would understand and still make a visit.  :-)

To date (June 27, 2012), Mackenzie has lost six teeth!  Mason has lost seven.  Hmmm...

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