Saturday, May 17, 2008

Why Are We Always So Busy?

It's been almost a month since our last blog. What have we done? for Mason. Ballet for Mason. Work for Alan. Softball for Alan. Softball for Deb. What about the two little ones? Well, we go to the playground a lot. Jenna climbs stairs now, and ladders, too. Scary! Mackenzie is finally starting to play with other kids and talk to them. She is slowly relinquishing her need for a "binky." We don't allow her to have one at the playground or in time out. We keep it away from her much of the time besides.

We are now preparing for Mackenzie's second birthday party. It will be tomorrow, at a playground (imagine that), in the heat wave. Temperatures will be in the 90s at least! We have borrowed a big canopy shade to put over a picnic table. We hope we will survive. Mackenzie's actual birthday is not until Wednesday. She'll be visiting the opthalmologist on Wednesday. Lucky girl! We're having her tear ducts checked, because she has frequent watery eyes. We'll keep you posted.

Oh yes. We attended a fest a couple weeks ago, right here in our little community of Allied Gardens. It was bigger than our usual Nussloch, Germany fest. There were several rides that Mason could ride. Only one for Mackenzie, though. Lots of food, entertainment, and big jumpers to be had. We watched a parade and collected candy and of all things, a beach ball. I guess that's San Diego for you! It was good fun for all of us. It brought back memories.

What else is there? We're always too busy to write, let alone remember our lives day-to-day. I must not forget Mother's Day. That was a brilliant weekend for me. I was told to "go take a hike." Ha ha. Actually, I asked if I could go take a hike. Really! Alan needed the girls to prepare my Mother's Day present, and he needed me out of the house. I hiked for three hours and had a blast! A little lonely, but great, nevertheless. I also was sent out shopping on my own, so I visited Target (without kids) and Borders. What a joy!
Just to catch you up, these pictures of the girls were all taken within the last week. Plus, a picture of my Mother's Day masterpiece, which traumatized Alan. Afterwards, he said, "imagine having three plates of paint on the ground, and trying to keep Jenna out of it." I am at home with them every day, and I DEFINITELY would not have undertaken that task alone. Brave man! Enjoy the pics.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Haha, no wonder Alan was traumatised!! I wouldn't have done that alone with three minis either. Did something similar with 2 once...

Nevertheless the finished product looks wonderful and it sounds like you got to have a wonderful time sans kids.