Thursday, November 27, 2008

Word Play

Last week, I (Deb) was in the car with Mackenzie and Jenna. I had just picked up Mackenzie from preschool, and we were on the highway, headed down to Mason's school for the next pickup. On the shoulder of the road was a truck (a tow truck, I think). From the back seat, I hear, "Mommy, is that a *uck?"
"Oh! A teh-RUCK?" I asked.
"Yes. A *UCK!!" (said much louder)
"Oh-KAY!" said with emphasis from the back seat.
Turns out, Mackenzie doesn't pronounce "tr" words very well. She substitutes an "f." You can't be angry, because she believes she's saying it properly. It's also hard not to laugh.
A couple days later, Alan was home with Mackenzie and Jenna. He was reorganizing a bottom drawer in the kitchen, full of kid-friendly dishes. Jenna, in her usual form, was foiling him every step of the way.
"You're getting on my fricking nerves!" said Alan playfully to Jenna.
Mackenzie, who was at the table, heard this and said, "Daddy, is Jenna getting on your *ucking nerves?"
What's a dad to do? Keep laughing. We are!


Suey said...

That's funny! Somebody in every family has to have a hysterical story like that one! Ah, isn't growing up exciting???

puna513 said...

OMG... funny! Hey, I need some advice. How do you discipline the girls? My Layla is Jenna's age and they seem to have the same mannerisms. Layla does not take Time Outs seriously and I am running out of things to take away from her as collateral. I'm trying to be consistent so what am I doing wrong?!

Stephanie said...

too funny! My 2-y.o. nephew does the same thing and the family is constantly egging him on to talk about grandpa's "big red truck." Sigh.