Some of you followed our daily saga on Facebook, but for those that did not, here is our last birth story.
Forty weeks came and went. We expected that. Both Mason and Mackenzie were born two days after their projected due dates. Why should this one be any different? (Jenna doesn't count, since the circumstances surrounding her birth were very different.) So, two days later, when the baby still didn't come, we were kind of surprised. But, it occurred to us that both Mason and Mackenzie were born on Saturdays. So, maybe we were meant to be four days late - April 25th.
That theory, too, was wrong. Each day become more unbearable. Each night, we went to sleep. Each morning, we woke up, disappointed. Then, the antenatal testing began. Baby's healthy, baby's comfortable, fluid is fine, come back in two or three days if the baby still isn't born.
The baby's grandfather (Papa) who was visiting and helping with the girls could no longer remain, after extending his trip an extra week. One week after the projected due date of April 21, he flew home. Still no baby, but another round of antenatal testing and one night of false hope, when contractions began, but were not regular enough.
As we watched April come to a close, we lost hope for our children to have birthdays in March, April, May, and June. We were now guaranteed two May birthdays, and no April baby.
Eleven days late, on a Saturday, no less, May 2nd, to be precise, the real contractions began. This time, they left mom breathless. After about four hours of them, they became quite frequent. First, the call to a friend went out, to help with the girls. Then, the call to our midwife followed. We told her it wasn't urgent, but it was definitely happening. When she arrived, I was in the bathroom and had asked Alan to start the bath. I moved from the toilet to the bathtub, and it was there I remained, despite plans for a birth in the living room. :-)
Not long after our midwife arrived (maybe 45 minutes), I swore to her that I was ready to push. She reminded me that I had done this before, and if I felt that urge, she was not inclined to check, because I know my body. She was right. A few pushes later and...we had ourselves a baby girl! She floated out into the tub, behind me, as I was on my hands and knees. Alan caught her, and the midwife watched before preparing to care for both the baby and me.

The birth went as smoothly as we could've hoped. By about 8 PM, we were all resting in bed, eating dinner, and sharing our new little girl with her big sisters.
Three weeks later, we decided on her name: Sierra Kelsey Bice. It was "voted" on by her sisters, her dad, and her mom. Here is a picture shortly after her birth.
More updates about Mackenzie's third birthday and Mason's sixth birthday will come in time - sooner rather than later, this time!