Where in the world has the time flown? We intended to post an update after Jenna's birthday, which was March 20th,

but that doesn't even begin to account for the two months prior. Sometimes, life really does get in the way!
So, we'll start with Jenna's birthday anyhow. She turned two back in March. We celebrated with a small family party and a "kitty cat" cake (orange, to look like our cats Blaze and Tom). Jenna couldn't quite figure out the blowing out candles bit, but she had no trouble unwrapping presents.

This was a big milestone birthday for all of us, considering she was born ten weeks preemie. She had her 2-year physical and was on all the charts, with her highest marks going to her head size. (Pretty normal for all the Bice girls.) She's talking now in near sentences. She loves puzzles. But the favorite pastime for her and especially her two big sisters is to ride bikes.

Yes, Mason has learned to ride her bike without training wheels. Hurray! The freedom it has given her is absolutely amazing. She can ride in sharp circles, up and down bumps, pretty much anywhere we let her go. Her only downfall is when she hits water in the road. She had a pretty good fall this past week on some water, but we hope to get her back on her bike quickly. She's asking for a kickstand now, so we don't think she's been deterred. She took her first "bike ride" with her dad. It was about a half mile to a friend's house. She did great! Since then, she's been riding longer and longer rides with her Papa, who is here helping with the kids (who had a two-week long spring break). Mom needed lots of help, as the due date for Bice Baby #4 has rapidly approached.
Mackenzie is also a pro on the bicycles. We purchased a bigger bike for Mason, and gave Mackenzie Mason's first two-wheel bike, putting the training wheels back onto it. She motors around the neighborhood like it's second nature, although she gets nervous going down hills. Up hills, however, she has the endurance of a true athlete. She has learned to pedal faster and can motor right up a hill like it's effortless. Maybe we'll take the training wheels off even earlier for her.

Lest we forget, Jenna attended her very first day of preschool, with big sister, Mackenzie, just before spring break. She was a little confused that she didn't just drop off Mackenzie and leave with mom, but in the end, the teachers reported that both girls had a great day! They played together, ate together, there was no crying from Jenna, and it was deemed a success. Jenna is returning to school today, with Mackenzie, for the first day back after the break. Hopefully, it will be another success.
With that said, we've added some photos for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
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