Monday, July 2, 2012

The Cats Live On

Back in June 2009, we bought a home in San Diego.  We thought this would be a positive move for us.  In many ways, it has been.  But in other ways, we have endured terrible sadness.  A couple years ago, we lost our youngest cat, Blaze, to a busy street.  It was unthinkable, and sometimes unbearable.  This past spring (2012), Molly, our beautiful, long-haired black cat succumbed to old age.  She woke up Mason in the morning, who then came and found us.  As a family, we all gathered around Molly, who had crawled under Mason's bed, where we talked to her, pet her, comforted her, and comforted ourselves, as she heaved her last sigh.  In less than three years, we had lost two of our pets.  We buried Molly in our backyard, way up on the hill, in a very sunny spot that we know she would have loved. 

Today, we said goodbye to our remaining cat, Tom.  Within a couple of months of Molly's death, Tom started losing weight, and just didn't seem like himself.  We've watched him slowly wither away.  We have lavished him with love and affection.  Even the girls have jumped in on it.  But, the pain became too much for us to watch, and too much for him to endure.  We had a vet come to the house today, to help us say goodbye to Tom and give him the peace he deserved.  It has been an emotional and heart wrenching experience, but we know it needed to be done. He was suffering greatly.  Tom will be buried later today, near his friend, his sister, and sometimes his enemy, up there on the hill in our backyard.  Together again. 

The girls, Alan, and I will continue to share our fondest memories of the cats that we have loved so dearly, as we experience a new phase in our lives.  A life without pets.  May the memories of our well-loved cats live on forever!

(Pictures from top to bottom: Tom, Blaze, Molly)

Molly and Tom - Together Again...See the Love?

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